I don't have anything interesting to say today. In general, I never really have something interesting to say. Not to discredit myself or my thoughts, but who could possibly be interested in reading what I have to say? Marketers, that's who! Yes they leave little uplifting comments about your blog and then leave some sort of link to a dating service or Canadian immigration service. The thing that is really funny about all of this is how marketers play the odds. I have never mentioned dating on my blog, but since these people are playing the odds chances are that they will run into a few people who may want to check out the site. In fact I'd definitely wager that there are a ton of blogs devoted to dating scenes (ala that show with Sarah Jessica Parker about the 4 whores...I don't think I need to say that I am not a big fan of that show..heh heh heh and no i don't think that people who write about dating dates or hwatever are whores...just the four characters on that show) I'd be interested in finding out if these people get paid per hit to the links when people click on them. Is it a traffic based income system, or do people have to sign up for whatever service is being provided in order to be paid. Now all that being said I have never mentioned Canadian immigration (I received a link to this as a comment on a blog many weeks ago). I also cannot imagine that there are too many blogs about this, unless it is some sort of niche fetish thing. "Oh yeah, talk to me more about U.S. naturalization baby oh yeah." I am sure there are some blogs out there that are all about immigrating and that is all fine and good, but are there enough of them to warrant a marketer sending out links to a Canadian immigration service? I keep forgetting that if there is a surface somewhere, someone will try and put an ad on it even in a digital medium. Frankly I think the whole idea of placing an ad in a blog cloaked as a comment is pretty rude, but I'm not going to let it get to me, nor am I going to block them from being made. Why you ask? Because I don't really care and this crap is never going to go away. It will also be an interesting experiment to see what kind of links people end up putting on there.
In other news: I was in the lab last night finishing up an experiment that went horribly wrong on Monday morning and managed to procure a recrystallization of p-nitroaniline. Very exciting stuff this recrystallization. I feel like the lamp actually worked and I wouldn't freak out because I won't be getting an F (a not so obscure movie reference in which I invite all of the marketers to try and name the film..here's a hint: Brat Pack)
Every thursday I have my 2nd calculus class of the week and I have been writing an impromptu comment in my notebook each time I've been in class for about an hour. Here is the run down:
Week 1: I am going to f**king die in this class!
Week 2: More than I ever wanted to know about pi!
Week 3: Class cancelled, no comment
Week 4: Why am I doing this to myself!
Week 5: More than I ever wanted to know about turkey (the bird not the country)
Week 6: TBA
John Roberts was just confirmed as the next cheif justice of the supreme court. I...I don't know what to say except "Women run for your lives because soon your womb will not be your own!" This might be a bit extreme, but keep in mind that the power that comes with this position can and does strange things to people. This move also adds another piece the Bush agenda wherein the checks and balances swayed in a single direction and accountablilty is no longer viable option in government.
"Does anyone have any Scope?"
-ah yes the old standby Family Guy
I really need to be studying physics right now
In other news: I was in the lab last night finishing up an experiment that went horribly wrong on Monday morning and managed to procure a recrystallization of p-nitroaniline. Very exciting stuff this recrystallization. I feel like the lamp actually worked and I wouldn't freak out because I won't be getting an F (a not so obscure movie reference in which I invite all of the marketers to try and name the film..here's a hint: Brat Pack)
Every thursday I have my 2nd calculus class of the week and I have been writing an impromptu comment in my notebook each time I've been in class for about an hour. Here is the run down:
Week 1: I am going to f**king die in this class!
Week 2: More than I ever wanted to know about pi!
Week 3: Class cancelled, no comment
Week 4: Why am I doing this to myself!
Week 5: More than I ever wanted to know about turkey (the bird not the country)
Week 6: TBA
John Roberts was just confirmed as the next cheif justice of the supreme court. I...I don't know what to say except "Women run for your lives because soon your womb will not be your own!" This might be a bit extreme, but keep in mind that the power that comes with this position can and does strange things to people. This move also adds another piece the Bush agenda wherein the checks and balances swayed in a single direction and accountablilty is no longer viable option in government.
"Does anyone have any Scope?"
-ah yes the old standby Family Guy
I really need to be studying physics right now