Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So it is the middle of the week and the middle of orientation round two at school. It is pretty weird to be around. I have run in to quite a few second years (my former classmates) and have gotten a lot of "oh....shit...that sucks" kind of lucks which has been okay. Less embarrassing than I initially imagined but still, I am not sure how to act around some people. Start classes again on Monday.

For the time being I had some grand ideas about reading ahead, but realized that I am going to be working my ass off for many many weeks to come and I had some beer and the end of Star Wars Episode I or "one of the worst movies ever" is on and well....I guess studying just didn't take precedence. Wow the dialogue is terrible....I mean really really terrible.....dammit I should have studied...

I've got the next four days "off" and I plan on making the most of them.....having dinner at a steakhouse on Friday...thinking of seeing Tropic Thunder tomorrow....we are having a small gathering on saturday and sunday I am seeing Rancid......and then......I expect that there will be a large gap between posts.....



Blogger moosk said...

good thing you're cute.

10:28 AM  

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