Thursday, September 01, 2005

Yep...I am still here....

I have nearly completed my first week of class. I've got a physics class on Friday morning at 8am and today I have my first calc 2 class. I understand from a number of people that I have one of the worst rated professors from, but I do think that these ratings should be taken with a little bit of salt. I noticed that the average ratings for other teachers (for classes that I have had) were not that good and frankly I thought were fantastic. Poe-tae-toe, poe-tA-toe. This was my first experience with the website and I gotta tell ya there are a lot of whiny people out there. This isn't high school people and while there might be a certain lack of personal attention with a lot of professors, no one can expect to do well in a class if they just attend and take notes. You have to study people...jeez...and nine out of ten times it is not the professor's fault if perchance you did not do well. In high school I did not study much but managed a very good GPA (good enough to get into a couple UC schools) but when I first went to college (a small little community like...the valley...yes I am from the greater Los Angeles area...but I digress)...I did not do as well because I didn't study all that much. I realized early on that I could still pass all my classes with a minimal amount of effort (I was living on my own in an apartment with a full time job and getting over the discouraging fact that I could not afford to go to the school that I was supposed to go to (a whole other story all together) and thereby did not find the need to put much effort into college...I wanted to be a doctor but was very disillusioned with baggage and stuff...and oh yeah I was 18....). Long story short...I am not going to blame any of my professors for my lack of drive and ambition.

With a 9 year break from colleges I have grown up a great deal more and hope that my previous grades do not affect my chances of getting into a medical school. ("God milhouse all you do is talk about school and medical school blah blah blah...who gives a crap about you and your dreams"...two words MY BLOG....MINE...heh heh heh.

With this week of school nearly done I do feel as though I might be a little over my head with the work load. Straight from the get go I have been studying and I haven't even had all of my classes yet. Organic chem is going well so far but my friends and I are afraid that the worst is coming and it is going to be coming quick. Physics has been good so far (interesting subject that I wish I had taken earlier, seeing as how it is the glue that puts things like bio and chem together etc.). With all the studying I have been doing I haven't seen my wife a whole lot and for that I am disappointed (she has been really great and supportive and thankfully understanding). At the very least we will be spending this fine labor day weekend together up in Manchester, Vermont for a wedding. It will no doubt be the only weekend from now until the end of the semester where I will not be doing a whole lot of studying. I can relax, maybe even have a couple of drinks.

Work has been nuts..."n-v-t-s...nuts" (obscure movie quote # 1). We are putting together a couple of shows at the moment, a 5 city tour with a big name star and a little off-broadway ditty that will be around the beginning of next year. From previous posts you all know that my boss is CRAZY and I am only here part time now because of school (which my boss agreed to btw), but I don't think he always remembers that. I bust my ass when I am here, but that doesn't seem to mean anything. I realized today that I have been with this company for six years now. I also realized that if I can handle all of the long hours (I once did 60 12 hour days in a row, working on two shows and assisting the boss man) and pre-madonna bulls**t in theatre than I can certainly handle all the hours and pre-madonna bulls**t (the parent friendly blog!) in medicine.

I am also starting to feel a bit of pressure about the MCAT and my med school applications. I have been talking to other folks who have been doing all kinds of cool shadowing doctors stuff, doing multiple volunteer shifts, trying to get work in research etc....I don't know how people have time for all of this stuff and school. It is hard enough for me to take 4 hours out of my week to get in my minimum volunteer shift. Again...I say Alas.

I should get back to work. For those of you who actually read my blog I will probably be doing updates in the evenings now for the most part unless I can get in a few moments at work (like now) I have readers?

My thoughts go out to the families down south. (Note to looters: People down south like guns and they have a lot of them. See NYT article published today by Felicity Barringer and Jere Longman)

Hope everyone has a safe weekend.

"In the past year, over 800 million people have died. Despite millions of dollars of research, death continues to be our nation's number one killer. Although, so far there's no known treatment for death's crippling effects, still everyone can acquaint himself with the three early warning signs of death: one, rigor mortis; two, a rotting smell; three, occasional drowsiness. It is also important to know what to do you when you die. One, Don't try to drive a car; two, do not operate heavy machinery; three, do not talk."
-Obscure Movie Quote # 2
(I'll leave it up to you guys to guess what movies I have quoted in today's blog)

I think the Haiku of the day will be on permanent hiatus.


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