Tuesday, August 16, 2005

So a man from Waco has been arrested for driving his truck (and dragging chains) over a series of crosses that have been laid out with the names of the fallen in protest of the current military quagmire (i think it is very safe to use this word now). This man had something to say about Cindy Sheehan's desperate attempt to get Captain koo-koo banana pants (thank you Homer) to withdrawl troops from Iraq. So now while this man may not agree with her protest, why would running over a bunch of crosses with the names of the dead soilders on them be the best course of action? Frankly, If I were a solider in the military I would be super pissed, whether I supported the war or not. Not only is she using this as an act of peace, but she is also honoring the dead and making their names known just as so many other cemetaries do across the world. You can't tell me that this is not a gross insult to these men and women who died needlessly? I am guessing that this guy supports the war, but is he going to be pissed off at having to fill up his gas tank sooner rather than later because his truck used up so much gas to commit this egregious act? No, probably not because he really didn't think this through. He got up one day and thought to himself "love it or leave it" and than got in his truck and did this. What the hell is wrong with people? What kind of statement was this guy trying to make. He is probably one of those people that thinks that Saddam was personally responsible for 9/11 even though he also probably thought that people from New York deserved what we got because we have so many gay people here or something. Or maybe God told him to do it, because after all God is American freedom right? Was he saying he wanted more of our children to die over there? Was this an "I support the War" statement? And if so, what kind of thoughts must one have in order to support the war...cheaper gas prices for Americans? NO....Saddam was a threat to us? NO...the people of Iraq wanted us to come in there and "institute" (read: force) our kind of government on them? NO...frankly I cannot think of a single reason why anyone could possibly be in support of this war. And most of the world leaders today, I think, would probably agree with me. We, as americans, haven't gained anything from this war and the Iraqi people certainly haven't gained anything and it certainly appears as though they want us the hell out of there. I want to see as many soilders as possible come back home safely and I firmly believe we need to cut our loses and get the hell out of there. Don't we get enough oil from all the other OPECs? (maybe not, since I keep forgetting the fact that we are home to millions of SUV owners who would rather drive their Hummer two blocks for their carton of milk and pack of cigarettes than perform anything resembling physical activity...stupid milhouse). The president says we will "stay the course", because we screwed up in the first place and now we have to stay there and make sure that they set up an american friendly government (read: puppet regime) so that we can ensure a steady flow of overpriced oil (because American corporate share holders and their CEOs need to see a profit.) Joe Taxpayer will continue to pay too much for his ozone depleting fossil fuels with a smile on his face because "hell, them Iraqis are free now just like me". The politicians will soon try and convince us all that we should be honored to pay higher prices for our ozone depleting, global warnming causing fossil fuels because that's what all of our troops died for. It's a sick sick world......

Anyway, thank you Cindy, in my opinion you are a true american.


Blogger moosk said...

it's about freedom! and... um... democracy! yeah!

2:29 PM  

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