Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Some form of anarchy may be what this country needs.

I don't think that I want to pay federal income taxes anymore. I don't think that I need to give anymore money to a government that is really no longer able to function and is a sham. I truely believe that politicians don't really care about you and me. Sad, but true. They only care about changing the laws to fit their own needs and not neccessarily those of the people that help put them in office. And of course they care about being re-elected (I would too if I had their insurance plan!) by making empty promises about being a voice for the people on the senate or house floor. So I no longer feel that I should be paying any of these people's salaries anymore. We are supposedly the bosses right? We'll it's time to clean the slate and start anew. Obviously it's broke so we need to fix it. Starting first with the electoral college. A vote should be a vote. When we all used to vote for the class president every vote counted right!

You all want to know why Frist changed his mind about stem cell research? I can tell you it isn't because he is testing the waters for a presidential run in 2008, ok maybe a little, but I do have another theory, that he is no doubt now a board member or significant holder of shares in a company that is on the verge of making a huge breakthrough and all they need is the federal support. Now you may say: "Hey mil, isn't Frist a doctor and isn't he finally recognizing the possibilities for the advancement of medicine?" and I would say: "No frickin way" and why would I say that you ask? Because all politicians at that level are all corrupt in one way or another and cannot be trusted to be a voice of the people that put them in office. They are not in it to help us out they are in it for greed and power. I happen to think that stem cell research will be the most important piece in the advancement of medicine in the future, but it will also be a very profitable business to be in and if some senators can be "convinced" by "lobbyists" that it will indeed be profitable, then senators will jump on the money truck bandwagon. I no longer put anything past anyone and I never should have to begin with. Everyone is corrupt all the way up to the top. And yes as there are exceptions to every rule even my own the only person that I believe has her constituents best interests at heart is Barbara Boxer.

Jeez, if this were Ancient Rome I'd be killed for saying all this stuff, but hey look out for the new Patriot Act. (this could indeed be my very last post!) Again I have to say that the government takes enough money from me out of every paycheck I receive and I don't think they deserve anymore. I haven't gotten a refund from the government in over 4 years and am I not supposed to be reaping the benefits of Mr. Bush's comprehensive tax cuts? There was a tax cut right? I just don't get it anymore and I am sick and tired of all the crap that goes down in Washington. I am so angry that I cannot write about this anymore.

No quote today sorry all...I'm too depressed and you should all be too now that John Bolton will be serving as an american representative in the UN. Just downright embarrassing that the president felt the need to appoint this man when most people in the house and senate thought that he was absolutely not the right person for the job (ok so they can sometimes make the right call). What the hell are the other members of the UN going to make of all of this. Bush just etched another notch in the bedpost of american hatred. Bravo!


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