Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Dear Readers

It is with great regret that I tell you all that this will be my final post. I cannot hack it anymore. The pressure and strain of writing quick evective bits of comedy about my daily routine of actvities has taken it's toll. I just don't have the time or the energy to devote to this dank dark hole anymore.

HA. got ya.

So yes I know it has been a long long time since I have done anything on here and for that I apologize. My life has been one big ball of busy. Work, school, marriage, all the fun things that you have all come to enjoy reading about here in my little piece of cyberworld.

Desgraciadamente, necesito estudair para un examen de espaƱol ahora y no tengo tiempo por eso actividad.

I will say this: I sugget that you all take a look at the article in the New York Times about the record temperatures across the country. Funny that people are still willing to admit that there is no such thing as global warming. I ask you all to also watch the local news (yes I know it sucks, but BBC world news is always hard to catch at 7pm and most of us working folk are too tired to watch the 11pm rerun) and pay attention to when they talk about the weather. More often than not most of you will notice that on average the record highs for past dates tend to be within the last 50 or so years and the record lows are almost entirely 70-80 years old if not older. Doesn't this say somthing about how the climates have been changing? WELL, DOESN'T IT? And now those record highs from the last 50 years are beginning to be beaten by the temperatures that are ocurring around the country today. But no, there is no such thing as global warning.

I have a lot more things to rant about but I don't have the time. I will get back to you all soon. I promise.

Oh and if some of you read my wife's blog I will tell you that, bless her heart, there are about 500 other things that she would be doing if she had money. The list has actually been growing at an exponential rate since the day that we started dating 6 years ago. Ah, my sweet elegy you are too too funny. I must say that I am thankful that she would like to get me a new ipod tho! (coming soon: my ipod rant)

"Good god your alive"
"Yes, that's right I pulled a Jesus"


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