Thursday, July 07, 2005

My thoughts go out to the families of the wounded and the dead.

Without sounding like a total jerk I cannot believe that we raised the "threat level" here. Doesn't this seem just a little weird? The violence that occured today was an interesting coincidence in that it occured on the same day as the start of the G8 conference, or perhaps people from Paris did it after they found out that London would be hosting the 2012 Olympics. But anyway back to our "threat" level.

From the New York Times:
Mr. Chertoff, who has said he hopes to calm public fears rather than stoke them with alarming but vague pronouncements, said the London bombings called for "some reasonable adjustment" in the threat level in the United States.

So disregarding the fact that the G8 was starting today north of London (albeit, a bit farther than a hop skip and a jump from London) and that the 8 major leaders of the world happen to be there at this moment it makes perfect sense that there would be some type of attack in the UK, but we had to jump on the fears of millions of commuters across this country because we had to be important too. It had nothing to do with Bush's quaqmire? It had nothing to do with the fact that his approval rating is in the toilet and nothing like a little fear in the hearts of americans to remind us of how good a job he and his administration are doing? I don't think there is much of a threat against us right now within the United States, but hey, I've been wrong before.

So we again need to be on the look out for suspicious looking people. I often ride the subways of New York City and I can tell you, as I am sure many other commuters can attest to, that every other frickin person on the damn subway looks suspicious. From the homeless man with a few dozen bulging bags of who knows what to the woman singing to herself at a volume of about 11 to those damn scientologists giving free stress tests to the guys thumping on bibles saying we are all going to die if we don't redeem our souls and worship the lord jesus christ. It is all damn suspicious.

Again, I must say that my thoughts are out there for all the families who are suffering through this tragedy across the pond.

Good Night All

Peter: Alright here's a riddle, a mother has two children, and an axe murderer says she can keep one. Which one does she let die?
Lois: Peter, that's not a joke, that's just horrible!
Peter: Wrong the ugly one!


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