Friday, June 24, 2005

Destinos- An Inroduction to Spanish

So we are 3 weeks into class and we have done 17 chapters chock full of telenovela excitement. Don Fernando la patriarch de la familia Castillo has fallen terribly ill shortly after revealing to his familia se tenía un primera esposa en España antes de La Guerra Civil. Se Pensado que ella estuvó muerta en atentado de Guernica, para que él mudó a Mexico y compró un hacinda que llama es "La Gavia". Don Fernando recibio una carta de Teresa Suarez. La Carta dijo que la primera esposa está vivo! ¡Hay! Comedy ensues.

Actually not a terrible thing to watch considering it is a tool for teaching Spanish to people. I think I have learned alot but with the above I probably made many mistakes. At this point I can translate well, but as far as writing anything that will make sense to some person who is fluent is beyond my power for the time being.
I have a 200 word letter to write about a relationship between Raquel Rodriguez, una abogada Y Arturo Iglesias un doctor de psicología por este martes.

Are you ever just walking down the street and something funny (you heard, saw in a TV show etc) pops into your head and you laugh out loud and cannot keep this dumb grin off of your face. Happens to me all the time.

I am having a hard time finding crazy people on the streets now. Through the magic of cell phones now anyone can look like a babbling crazy person. Just insert an earpiece, dial some digits and let the fun begin.

Why do comic book artists like to make their super-women or female characters have the biggest breasts in the world. Do all comic book artists fantasize about women with really really big breasts? I'll field this one myself and say yes they do. Are there female comic book artists? And if so, Do they make their male characters have enormous genitalia?

So I have to go off to study and do my hospital volunteer stuff. Hope you all have a marvelous weekend!

"Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"


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