Wednesday, June 01, 2005

DAY 63

...but the day is not quite over yet.

So I started summer school today. I am taking Spanish Intensives which will manage somehow to occupy all of my time this summer. The teacher, who is also a pastor, began the class with "buenos dias" and rattled off a ton of stuff in spanish. Um...I know this is intensive and all but most of us have no idea what the hell you are saying. This is intro right? That's what my schedule says...but...why are you speaking only in Spanish. Did I miss the first 30 classes? I thought school started today, not last fall? So then he says, in English, if you understood what I was saying than this class will be a waste of time and money for you. Whew! Okay now that that is out of the way he is going to speak mostly in english right? Because we are all beginners right? Bascially three hours of class and 99% of it in Spanish. I took Spanish 15 years ago. I do not remember much of it. Many people have told me that it would come back to me. They were wrong. I was very flustered for most of the class and seemed like I was the only one who had no idea what the hell was going on. It's not like I could raise my hand and say hey pal slow the f down, I mean he's a pastor for chrissakes. I remember a few words and phrases but jeezum crow man give us just a little bit of a break. I know that this is probably the best way to learn the language, but I'm not sure this was the way to start a class. I expect many people to not be there tomorrow. Me I don't give up that easily and unfortunately I need to take care of this requirement, the sooner the better. I can at the very least thank my lucky stars that I have had some experience with this language otherwise I would be really really frustrated rather than moderately frustrated.

"All right, we are going to use a fan brush here and uh why don't you take some hunter green and we are going to put a happy little bush right down over here in the corner there and that'll just be our little secret and if you tell anyone that that bush is there I will come to your house and I will cut you."
-Bob Ross


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