Friday, May 20, 2005

Friday, May 20th

And so here we are. I am working on oh lest say about 6 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours and I am feeling the effects. Can't wait to try this when I am a resident (here's to hoping). Went to see a 3am screening of the new star wars pic and was pleasantly suprised to find that it was not too bad. My friend AB and I got in line for the thign around 1:00am and talked frankly about the oversaturation of marketing by the 20th Century Fox group. Never in a million years would I have imagined Yoda hawking diet pepsi in a freakin commerical. Alas, this is the world we live. So what else do you talk about with a good friend for two hours while you are waiting to see a movie. Television naturally. If I had answered "the weather" I would be very worried about the friendship. Highlight of the evening was basically acting out a skit we had made up, while in line, about the making of toy figures that were "inspired by" the movie, with names that were based on license plate numbers and made from pieces of trash. (A small metal rod wrapped in a cellophane "dress" with the name IGXC48D that sells for $12.99 was my personal favorite). Amazing what a couple cans of Red Bull will do to your mind. And so we, along with many other fans, filed into the theatre and watched the film. Thankfully, most of the people who had brought light sabers had put them away once the film began. I do have to say, that nothing makes my hair stand on end like the sight of "A long time ago in a Galaxy far far away....pause...pause...pause...wait for it....wait for it....Da...dada dadadadadadadada..dadadadada...da....da..dadadadada...." and then a thousand people in a theatre screaming bloody murder....and that grin comes onto your face and you can't get it off. Just awesome. Thanks Mr. Lucas for helping define a part of my generation. I said goodbye to the last bit of my childhood that night. I also couldn't get the damn song from Clerks out of my know...the one about Chewbacca. Anyway...I digress.

Time to go study for finals. Have a good night all.


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