Sunday, May 29, 2005

Sunday, May 29th, 2005

So I know that it has been awhile since I have written anything. The reason being that I had a week full of finals at school. It was not fun and the finals were very hard and I do not know how I will end up doing this semester. Hopefully I will not be too disappointed.

So my wife and I went to see the Star Wars movie with some friends who had not seen the film yet. My wife and I had already seen it, although not together. I went to the 3am showing the first evening it was open. At that particular screening I didn't mind the movie so much, in fact I thought it was kinda good. I now believe that my liking of this movie had a great deal to do with a couple of things.

1. It was 3am in the morning and I was too tired to realize that this film was absolute crap.

2. I drank two red bulls right before we got to our seats and was so hyped up on caffeine that I was too jumpy to realize that this film was absolute crap.

3. The crowd was so excited that their the screaming and the yelling as soon as "Lucasfilm" came on the screen distracted me so much that I was blinded into the belief that this was a good film when in fact it was absolute crap.

I am glad that I saw the film again only so that I can say with certainty that this film is indeed absolute crap. Poorly written, poorly directed, poor acting. (I will point out that Mr. Mcgregor was the one saving grace of the film). I am shocked and appalled that this film has been receiving rather good reviews. It is...well.....appalling. I don't know what else to say.
Across the board just terrible. My wife and I were so bored that we could not sit still. A.O. Scott, in his review has said that Mr. Lucas supposedly received some writting help from Tom Stoppard.....who is a respectable writer....who also happened to write the fantastic play "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" and "The Invention of Love" which was spectacular......I hope and pray that Mr. Stoppard had nothing to do with this.
To be fair the special effects were pretty good and there were a couple of decent scenes, one of the better ones involved no dialogue at all, but still had a slight odor very reminiscent of urine that has been tainted by asparagus. I digress...anyway I know you all will still go see this movie, just because it is Star Wars and that means a lot to a lot people our there and we cannot always explain this to people.

I have worked in the theatre business for awhile now and I have seen some things and there are few things that shock me. That was until this morning when my wife and I were reading the NYTs this morning. Didn't realize that George C. Wolfe was such a pompous ass. To compare his job to the presidency of the country is an outrage. I am no Bush fan, but to say that your job is harder (running an non-for-profit theatre company) than running the country. You are a frickin idiot. I'm so genuinely offended by this that I am glad to be getting out of the threatre business. More on this tomorrow.....

Good Night all. Sleep well world...


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