Wednesday, May 25, 2005


"Anything that you wish to achieve is within your reach....remember that Eminem is an Academy Award."

This should read that Eminem has an Academy Award....of course I have ruined everything in an attempt to be "witty' but have failed....much like the chemistry final that I took earlier this evening and more often than not my spellling. Ok I am rambling.... No, I know I didn't fail....but I sure don't feel good about it....maybe I did fail...and you know it is ok if I did. I think I suffer from performance anxiety or something. One weird question just completely throws me off and I don't quite know what to do with is what it is....and regardless I learned a hell of a lot. Maybe someday I will learn to spell....

Rambling rambling rambling random rambling down the westward ho down towards the break of day we wandered around the cold dark house waitng to hear what had happened there. We both decided that it would not be a good idea to go exploring on our own and held with a loose grip each others hand. The minute you separate you die right? That is what always happens in those horror films and such. We were not going to get fooled into that one. Anyone that ever says "I'm just gonna go check out that weird sound that I am strangely attracted to for no other reason than to propogate a plot line" is an idiot and a goner. That would not happen to us. If we were going to go down we were going to go down together kicking and screaming bloody murder. No Pun intended.

yep that is all I have in me for today....gotta study for a bio exam...

night all....


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