Friday, August 12, 2005

If you don't llike being a nurse in the ER than you should find another job because I don't have time for your bulls**t and I am just a volunteer.

So I am a volunteer in the emergency room of a hospital and I work very hard and try to make patients more comfortable in a very uncomfortable situation and I also help the nurses out by doing odd jobs here and there. Por ejemplo, putting clean sheets on stretchers, distributing food trays etc. I help out the nurses with the crap that they don't want to do...which is fine after all I am a volunteer. It would be f**cking nice if some of these goddamn nurses would just give me a little bit of respect...I mean I am giving my time to this place free of charge because I am a decent human being and I want to go to med school, but it would be nice if some of these nurses would at the very least look me in the eye once in awhile when they are talking to me instead of treating me like some insignificant ant. I am here helping you, you f**king jerkasses so get over yourself. I know that doctors treat you like crap sometimes and I know you have to feel special too by putting someone like me down because I don't know as much as you do (yet)...but did you ever stop to think that the reason why doctor's treat nurses like crap is all some twisted revenge thing where nurses were rude to them when they were volunteers and they never forgot it so that when they ended up becoming doctors they made sure to give back everything that they got when they were just lowly volunteers. I know that this is a chicken and the egg kind of thing, but don't you think that it might be possible for this to be true. I will say that a majority of the staff at this hospital appreciate that I am there and some of them actually know my name, but there are a couple of nurses who couldn't give a crap....and that is all good...maybe they are just bitches...period...maybe it isn't just me...maybe they just suck ass...and the thing that I notice about these particular nurses are that they don't seem to give a rat's ass about the patients (yes some patients are a handful, but what if one of them was actually really ill and died because you weren't paying them the attention that everyone deserves when they go to an ER no matter how sick or not sick they are...yes there are crazy people, and drunk bums who come in to sleep it off but you are in the "care" industry and you should be doing everything you can to help everyone instead of sitting on your f**cking ass like you couldn't be bothered with this s**t. Why are you even a f**king nurse in the first place if you are sitting there and so unhappy. Go and find yourself another fcuking (tired of the **) job...and they snicker and roll their eyes at me behind my back and think that I am just some dumb ass kid and the thing is I am not some dumb ass kid and when you are patronizing me I fcuking know it bitches. I now feel like I should be an ER resident and if I match at this hospital ER I hope that these people are still working there just so that I can have my revenge....but a part of me also wishes that these people leave their jobs ASAP, because you really aren't helping anyone at this point and I am the one that has to pick up the pieces and try and explain to these patients that one of the reasons why they are sitting there hungry and not being seen is because the nurse that is in charge of you dosen't really care about you and that is just wrong. But I do have to give kudos to a majority of the nursing staff at this hospital, it's just too bad that there are a couple of rotten fcuking apples in the barrel. I am a volunteer not just because I want to go to med school, I genuinely care about the well being of's part of the reason why I want to be a doctor and I would think a reason why anyone would enter the health care system but what the hell do I know I am just a lowly volunteer....argh...

Just had to vent here sorry all. It's one thing to be an intern or a resident and being crapped on and I expect that in the future and look foward to it with open arms, but this treating volunteers like crap thing has got to f**king go.....

goodnight all...


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