Friday, September 09, 2005

So very very tired

Only two weeks into school and I am exhausted...just plain exhausted. I go from school to work and work to school and by the time I get home I don't feel like doing anything at all, but there is always studying to do. I read and read and work on problems and read some more....this is going to be hell in a hand basket and I've only just started...add to that the fact that I still have not been to one of my classes (said class meets for the first time this Monday)...I think I have it bad now but will soon have it even worse. Thankfully I do have the weekends to catch up on things until I start my MCAT prep course which will take up a good deal of my Sundays starting in November.

So here are the updates in general:

Organic Chemistry so far is actually really interesting. The instructor is very thorough and is more than willing to stop and answer questions when someone has an problem. Don't see that too often in classes with large populations of students.

Physics is really damn interesting. I wish that I had taken it a lot earlier in my school career. The instructor is pretty darn good so far. I have never been very good with ratios and dimensional analysis so I fear this may be an issue with me for the duration of the semester. I know that it all comes down to an algebraic or fractional relationship, but for some reason it is very hard for me to keep what is where straight. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will wake up and smell the coffee sooner rather than later.

Calculus 2....let's just say that I get a lot of personal attention in the class since I am pretty much teaching myself this stuff. So far, on my own, the concepts have not been too bad. Reading the sections on my own is much clearer than any lecture I am going to receive from this professor.

back to rambling, I am so tired that I had two glasses of ice coffee last night around 10:30pm and was still able to go to sleep an hour later. I just couldn't keep my eyes open. As I am writing this I am drinking more coffee and I still feel like I could get in another 40 winks or so.

Last weekend was a great deal of fun. As my readers may or may not know from my wife's blog that we went to Vermont for a wedding. There where a couple of things that I have to comment about with regard to the whole ordeal. I was pulled over by a state trooper about 20 minutes from our final destination. There are two reasons why we were pulled over, #1 NY license plates, #2 the kind of car we were driving, neither of which have anything to do with how fast I was going. The trooper went on to inform me that I was going 76 miles an hour in a 55 mile an hour zone. Needless to say I do not believe that I was going that rapidly, as I tend to only go a few miles over the speed limit. $80 that we don't have. Alas. The second thing was that my wife was listed with her maiden name on the program for the wedding. I found this really insulting and I am not sure why. It is as though I don't exist or something. In this day and age there are a number of people who do not change their names when they get married and others share in the change. For instance I changed my middle name to my wife's maiden name and she has her maiden name as her middle name in addition to changing her last name to mine. She is happy to be married to me (yes, I still firmly believe that and lately we haven't seen each other enough to get into any fights..gotta love the working, schooling marriage thing...HA!) and we both agreed to share the responsibility of names in some way or other and for that not to be acknowledged in anyway on this stupid program just pissed me off. I mean she went through a lot of hoops to change her name the least you can do is acknowledge it! If the tables had been turned in this situation you can bet that this woman would have made quite a stink about this instead of writing about it on a blog. But these are only two minor details which did not dampen the weekend all that much.

Tomorrow will be a fun filled day of homework at the liberry with the usual cohorts.

Tuesday is crown day...what fun the dentist is!

Hope that everyone has a great weekend!


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