Wednesday, September 28, 2005


So I have felt the first pangs of nervous anxiety this semester and thought for a few brief moments about whether or not this is the path that I was meant to follow. It was all very brief I assure you but it did cause a night of restless sleep (if you can call lying awake, staring at the clock, sleep.)

Strange also is that I am really enjoying organic dentist upon hearing this referred to me thereafter as "one of THOSE people"...) It has not been that difficult so far, but I know the worst is yet to come. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Physics has been really interesting so far as well. Calculus 2 is a large pit of hell that I cannot wait to crawl out of.

In November I will be starting an MCAT review class in an attempt to get a decent score. I would be lying to you all if I said that I was not worried. Frankly, I am terrified by the whole test, application and interview process that waits for me in the middle of next year. Will they think that I am too old? Will my grades be good enough? Am I smart enough to be a doctor? Will I score high enough on the MCAT? Will I be accepted in a US school or will I have to resort to the University of Guadalajara or a school in the Caribbean and live the rest of my life with the stigma that is sometimes attached?

For the moment I know somewhat of what it must be like to be in Med school based on the fact that I have been pretty much studying non-stop for the last 3 weeks. I am starting to get those dark circles near my eyes.

Nothing new to report except that the amount of sleep that I am not getting is compounding in on itself such that I have no idea what day it is, the time, nor anything else. When I do sleep I am dreaming about formulas and nomenclatures, carbon chains and chalk boards. Thankfully I am getting some sleep. My body aches, I have too much reading to do. My orgo lab has not been to pleasing so far and will have to continue an experiment into the evening hours tonight in order to obtain a crystalline yield. My wife misses me and thinks that we don't spend enough time together, but she is also as busy as I am in terms of time. She is working for two professors, taking classes, and doing field placement. Our only solace at this time is that we get to eat dinner with each other (usually) and we take a moment to watch an episode of x-files, six feet under, northern exposure, [Enter TV show name here], etc. The best part about all this is that we have no money. WE PO! We are so poor that our "welcome mat" just says "wel!" Not that anyone needs to hear about our financial woes and we really don't have it that bad, since we have a solid roof over our head and the occasional spending spree at Taco Bell. So really I have nothing to complain about, but it sucks not to have a lot of money and anyone that says that money can't buy you happiness is an idiot. It may not make you happy, but the material things that you can purchase in exchange for said money can be quite amusing and amusing for a very long time. Again, I digress, I shouldn't even be talking about this because of all the hurricane victims, and world poverty in general. we have it good so I'll just shut up now.

Had a conversation with the pre-med advisor who managed to give me a pretty good pep talk in which he said that he was certain that I would get in to med school somewhere. That was very nice of him.

I find myself answering questions from people in my physics class even when I don't completely understand the material myself: Recipe for disaster anyone?

Organic lecture is going ok. I'll come back to you all on this one after my first exam on the 11th of October.

On the 8th of October my favoritist band ever is coming to Radio City Music Hall and I trust that I will be going with the wife and the in-laws. Dead Can Dance has produced some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard and their concerts are a religious experience. The most incredible sounds and feelings emanate from the stage when they are on. Wow...I have something to look foward to. Dead Can Dance may not be for everyone, but they should be. If you don't like them than I will respect your opinion, but we can't be friends anymore. HA!

Birds are neat creatures when you don't own any as pets. They can fly and that is just so cool!

I will start exploring medical schools in the coming weeks in semi-conjunction with my MCAT prep course. I need to explore all of my options and see what each school has to offer and start looking in to the likelyhood of me even getting in to certain ones.

Well that's all folks.....

Now I'm where I want to be and who I want to be
and doing what I always said I would and yet I feel I haven't
won at all. Running for my life and never looking
back in case there's someone right behind to shoot me
down and say he always knew I'd fall.
(File this one under..."I can't believe milhouse is quoting a freekin musical")


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