Friday, October 28, 2005

Yes, in fact, I am still living and still a part of the human race....

So President Bush, before he was president drove several companies into the tell me again why people thought he would be a good president? And so now, his world is falling apart again, much like his past businesses, one has to wonder if he still thinks that Jeebus or Gawd or whatever is still "on his side". The administration seems to be falling apart slowly but anybody surprised? Well yes actually, the way things had been going for the last five years it appeared as though just about everyone in this administration was infallible, untouchable, etc. Even when Rumsfeld was being asked about the mistreatment of iraqi prisoners, he seemed to be sitting there like Gotti, as though he were some sort of teflon secretary of defense. But as history has shown us no rule lasts forever and there is only so much that people are going to take. Let's enjoy this ride while it lasts. Lets take a moment and do a scorecard recap:

1. Reading to children while we were experiencing the worst thing ever to happen on American soil. Did he not want to be rude by excusing himself or was it that he wanted

2. Actually believes that Jeebus wanted him to be president.

3. Has caused the death of thousands upon thousands of lives across the world.

ah...forget it I just can do this anymore....sweet....sweet apathy.

In other be nuts yo! Lots of work...lots of no free time.....
etc. Do I really want to be a doctor still....yes...yes I do...I am tired and I am doing ok in's that for an update?

My family...well at least my wife and my in-laws....are a bit worried about me and think that I am working too hard to reach this goal. To some extent I am working too hard, because everyone else around me is working just as hard and I have to stand out from them when I apply to med school...especially the jerk-asses that are in the same classes as me and there a quite a few. I have never worked as hard for something as I am working for this.....and hopefully it will all work out and I'll get in somewhere.....I know I won't have the best grades ever, or the best MCAT score ever, but I will be good enough to go on to be a doctor dammit! I would also like to point out that the very act of me updating my blog is a sign that I am not working that hard today....and I should be...........

So let me tell you all just how super dorky my chem friends and I we all have little dumb ass names of reach other like the super friends group from The Simpsons (I'm talking about ham, database, cosine, report card...Lisa, and naturally cosmos...and don't try to pretend that you have no idea what the hell I am talking about...) so anyway here are the names.... Dipole-dipole, tert-butyl, crotyl chloride, ESR (short for Eye, Skin, and Respiratory irritant), and of course yours truly... ee (enantiomeric excess). Can you scream "nerds" for me....I knew that you could. Organic chemistry is really dang cool! I'm sick I know.

You know I really should consider making my site more exciting, but I am not here enough to warrant any changes. I'm not that insightful, or brilliant, nor do I post really cool pictures on my site (go to for wife...she's the greatest!).....this place I guess is just for me...just to have a little something to say to myself, but also there's that little part of me that wants to please the masses...all 3 of you....HA.

Go and see "Good Night and Good Luck" if you haven't already....just a great pic!!!

this is Milhouse....signing off....I love annonymity.....

Friday, October 21, 2005

I forget sometimes that I have a blog....

I have no idea what is happening in the world today. Just a strange thing. I miss reading the NY times on Sundays and making an attempt to catch up on world events. My life has been so hectic that I even forget that I have this here blog for all the world to see should they so desire.

Woke up this morning, showered and went off to class. The elevator in my building smelled vaguely of excrement and upon looking down at the floor it appeared that some four legged animal had done his "business" on the floor of the elevator and it's owner did not do the best of jobs cleaning up the mess. Naturally, being very embarrassed that he/she had an animal with a bowel problem in the elevator, said person did not mention anything to the front desk people so that, in effect, all other elevator riders would be subjected to the less than pleasant odor. What the hell is wrong with people? Your dog takes a crap in an elevator and you don't clean it all up? Jeebus people have some freakin nerve.

Anyway, I've finished a week of school wherein three exams were taken and I did well on 1 out of the 3. I don't want to say that I bombed the other two, but if I didn't say that I would be lying. Test anxiety is a big problem for me. Even though I study constantly, when it comes to test time, my brain will shut off and I won't be able to figure something out (despite doing nothing but working on the very problems that appeared on the exam in preparation for such.) The good thing is that I have been in this situation before and everything has ended up turning out fine (here's to hoping that this trend continues!) One of those looking at the bigger picture kind of things and in effect not sweating the small stuff. There would be a problem if all of the small stuff managed to pile up and I screw myself...but again hopefully this will not happen.

In celebration of my bombing two exams, doing well on one, and not having a whole lot to do in class on friday, I took a break from my studies, had a beer, and watched an episode of the x-files, and watched "The Butterfly Effect" (I know that I've said in the past that I would not watch in Askton Kootchie movie, but for some reason it intrigued me and to be perfectly frank...I can't believe that I am going to say this, but it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be (keeping in mind that it was very predictable and had a number of "holes" which the writers made a valiant to address because they knew that some people would say "but how could that be if yadda yadda happened" and such.) Well was "ok." The extra special plus side is that I got to spend some quality time with the wife and that is always nice.

Got my organic chem exam # 1 results back and the professor seemed to be realtively pleased. The class average was a 74 out of 100, and I pulled an 89 which according to my professor is in the A-A-minus range. Strange that so far I am doing well in both the orgo lab and lecture while I am not doing so well in my other classes. Isn't supposed to be the other way around (not that I am complaining, but this is against the grain?) Let's hope that I am able to keep it up even though I am now behind in my reading for orgo because I was preparing for the three exams this week, but hey that is what weekends are for right? Right!

Well I suppose I should get back to work now and stop wasting everybody's time. I look foward to seeing you all soon.

Current Netflix:
"La Strada" (ah a word...."Fellini")

"It could be could be a toilet and that would just suck"

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Another day another study session

Well, I had my first organic chemistry exam. I am not sure how I feel about the whole thing. I know that I did screw up at least one question, possibly another but I did certainly pass the exam (I hope)...of course passing is not good enough but there it is. The good news is that the lowest grade exam gets dropped, so if I did worse than I thought than there is still hope for the future. Naturally, this will be the easiest exam that we take so doing well on it is a priority. We shall see what happens. I was the second person to finish and I think that some of my answers may have been a little hasty, but now I know what I can expect on future exams. Next week 3 days, 3 exams: It is going to be a slam bang fun time!

Dead Can Dance was amazing. They really know how to put on a show that is both thrilling and intensely emotional. Lisa and Brendan, thank you so much for what you both do. Heard some songs live that were very unexpected. Mr. Perry was very light-hearted and seemed to be having an absolute blast (He commented prior to one of their songs that "it climbed to the top of the charts in 1461" and after a stirring rendition of "The wind that shakes the barley" by Ms. Gerrard, Mr. Perry came out and commented on how the next song was also very uplifting and went into "How fortunate the man with none". Ms. Gerrard was her usual "ice cold focus in on the music" self and brilliant as usual. My only problem with the show was with some of the audience members who shouted out requests between songs. It was a wee bit rude, aside from the fact that they were playing with a full orchestra (also awesome) and probaby couldn't just jump into a rendition of "The host of Seraphim" or "Cantara"
Kudos to the inlaws for scoring the choice seats and joining the experience with us. They enjoyed the show a great deal and mom-n-law even purchased a CD.
And of course, because my wife and I are old people we went home, watched a little TV and than went to bed. It was good way to spend my 31st.

Perhaps more later......

Friday, October 07, 2005

A couple of things

So I really need to get my eyes checked again. I am walking down 45th street towards times square and there is an add for some show about being a hustler...and underneath the sign it says "who will be the next great hustler" I have pretty good vision, but like everyone else there are some things that you see that you can't when I first looked at the sign it said "who will be the next great hitler". You can bet I did a very quick double take. Eyes are weird.

I haven't decided yet whether or not I am going to take the subway anytime time soon what with all the talk of terrorist threats. What irks me about all of this stuff is that you have a bunch of different government personnel saying two different things. You have one guy from the house homeland security council saying that the credibility of the threat is doubtful, you have the FBI saying that yes the threat is real, but has been somewhat diffused because of covert operations, than you have the army reporting that in Iraq some people were nabbed with subway info, than you have another government official saying that the threat is real and than another government official saying no it isn't and no arrests have been made in New York City, but that there are a bunch of operatives who are in New York who are going to use babystrollers or something. The media reports all of this at once. Bottomline is that no one knows what the hell is going on around here. Ah yes...our government at work. You have paranoia about attacks and you have paranoia that the government doesn't know what they are doing so you start to think that your paranoia about the attacks may not be credible, but than it might be because the government doesn't know what they are doing so you now have paranoia about your paranoia. And then you need to see a therapist because of all your oias. Well anyway.

can you tell I am excited....I bet you can.

"Can I have a medium diet coke?"
"Do you want the medium size or the middle size?"
"What's the difference?"
"Well, we have three sizes - medium, large and jumbo."
"What happened to the small?"
"There is no small. Small's medium."
"What's medium?"
"Medium's large and large is jumbo."
"Okay, give me the large."
"That's medium."
"Right. Can I have a small popcorn?"
"There is no small. Child-size is small."
"What's medium?"
"Do adults ever order the child-size?"
"Not usually."
"Okay, give me the adult."
"Do you want butter?"
"Is it real butter?"
"It's butter flavoring."
"What is it made of?"
"It's yellow."
- thanks to for the quote!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's been awhile...

What can I say here that hasn't already been said somewhere else...

1. Violence continues in Iraq. (no surprises there)
2. The Red Sox have their backs against the wall. (no surprises there either! Did everyone get that Buckner feeling the other night when the ball went through Graffanino's legs...86 all over again.....C'mon boys....
3. So Bush's own attorney is his choice for the supreme court. Wow....I'm actually interested in turning on C-Span to watch the confirmation hearings on this one. Mike DeWine (Republican Senator from Ohio) commented that "She is someone who has gone out late at night to get someone out of jail" there something else that Bush has lied about???
4. When you think of the conservative strategist Grover Norquist, do you think of a little blue furry monster at the end of a book?

Well another step in the cycle of life is about to occur. I will officially be in my thirties soon. Have to say that I feel old. Went to a show this past weekend and just felt really out of place. Not that I didn't enjoy the music, but I couldn't help but compare the band I was seeing to an amalgam of different bands from the last 20 years or so. I just hope that the other people that were there know their music history and don't think that this sound is anything new. Yes I am a pretentious SOB, and no I don't know everything about music. It was fun however to get out of the house after an afternoon spent studying.

This saturday my favorite band is playing at Radio City Music Hall. Dead Can Dance. I know that I have mentioned them before, but they are just so good I will mention them again and again and again ad nauseam...You can guarantee that I will be talking about the show the next time I write here.

School is going fine! Thanks for asking. The usual bouts of studying madness....trying to keep my head above water this semester and so far have been doing ok. We'll see what happens after my first few rounds of tests. I am not sure I have been this tired ever. Going to bed around 1 and getting up around 6:30-7 has gotten a lot easier since I've started, but I wish that I could sleep in a little on the weekends. I find myself still getting up early even when I don't have to.

I need a haircut. It is starting to get really out of control here.

I would also like to have a beer or two in a bar with my wife and some friends and just let off a little steam, but my drinking any sort of alcoholic beverage has been relegated to the very occasional glass of wine with dinner.

I don't eat enough during the day...lately I have been packing a lunch for myself and sometimes I just forget to eat it. Since I've just written about it, I think I'll start eating my lunch now..mmmmm peanut butter.

I don't know what the right level of coffee consumption is correct for me or my body weight. It seems to vary from day to day. I can sometimes have a single cup of coffee and either be completely wired or it could have no effect. With multiple cups of coffee I either get so wired that I can't keep anything straight, or I am ready to go to bed. So between one and five cups of coffee I am a blithering idiot or asleep at my desk. Can you tell that I have had some coffee today, I bet you can. Caffeine is such a strange mistress.

Speaking of desks I have slammed my shoulder into the partioning doors that swing up on our desk at home. Not a fun thing to do and I did it twice (for good measure) last night. The funny part is that I was thinking about the possibility of it happening the day before yesterday. The power of thinking really comes through whether you want it to or not.

Current Netflix selections we have at home because I like to share:
X-Files- Season Three Disc 6
Six Feet Under- Season 4 Disc 4
Sex and Lucia (A tasteful film from really!)

"Why do they call it a wedgie?"
"Because the underwear is pulled up from the back until... it wedges in."
"They also have an Atomic Wedgie. Now the goal there is to actually get the waistband on top of the head. It's very rare."
"Boys are sick."
"What do girls do?"
"We just tease someone until they develop an eating disorder."
- Jerry, George and Elaine