Friday, April 29, 2005


I am out of sorts today. I am trying to figure out a schedule for myself for the rest of the year involving school, volunteer work, regular work, and trying to leave myself open for a program that I hope to get that will take a few more hours away from me during the week. (Assuuming I do get this program, certainly a long shot, it will be beneficial to me overall, given the goals that I've set out to reach.) I am just so very tired. Tired of class, tired of studying, tired of work, tired of just about everything. I am starting to wonder if all of this hard work that I have been putting in will be worth it? Will I get to where I want to be in the next two years and when I get there will I be happy. I don't know what I will do with myself if all of this work gets me nowhere. This path that I have chosen is a long one and I do look foward to the challenge, and I believe that I have truly made the right decision. I guess I just need a little break.

The two best things in my life right now that I am so grateful for is the love and support of my family, expecially my wife and her family and the fact that I am using my mind again. Learning again has been marvelous. I realize how stagnant my mind had become not being in an academic setting for nearly ten years. Alas, it appears as though I have begun to ramble so on to the thoughts of the day:

1. I miss hockey, although I never got to watch to much of it....I rely on NHL 2003 (PS2) for my fix. (Is this a product plug?)

2. Bush didn't want to interrupt the shows that were coming on last night for the sake of the economy? I don't even know where to begin with this one.

3. When did ER jump the shark? This deserves a discussion.

4. SNL- worst season ever. The show is still funny, just not laugh out loud funny, more of a groan, roll your eyes, "this sucks...why am I watching" kind of funny.

Quote of the Day

"I'll be Charlie, and you can all be my angels....except can be Bosley."

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Final Thoughts before bed, April 28th, 2005

Some final thoughts before we end the day:

1. Pretty sure the world might be coming to an end soon. I just saw a commercial for Coors beer that featured a Jane's Addiction song. Bill Coors is this conservative guy who gave money to support the PMRC (Parental Music Resource Center) which had a lot to say about Jane's Addiction (i.e. being pornographic, bad music, etc)...and now there is this commercial.....strange place eh?

2. I have a paper and a "why i want to be a doctor" essay that I need to write and i don't want to do either of them.....

4. I don't know how to count.

5. Why is it so damn difficult to keep in mind the well being of the people that helped put you people in office? Is it any wonder that there is so much apathy at the voting booths.

3. off to bed sleep......... tight world

Thoughts for April 28, 2005

So I've had some coffee and got in some good study time this morning and once again I find myself at work.

Here are the thoughts for today:

1. Cal Ripkin Jr, was a great ball player despite all of the losing seasons in Baltimore. He was a gem of a player and is from what I hear a really nice guy...and all of this without steroids...nuff said.

2. "Lost" is actually a pretty decent show, although it is hard to tell since the only thing I've seen of it is a one hour montage of everything that has happened so far.....I'm officially hooked.

3. Cheezits- greatest snack cracker ever!!!! (shameless product plug)

4. Netflix! Why didn't anybody think of this sooner??? (Shameless product plug #2)

5. Technology has allowed us to speak to one another at great if we could only remember how to speak to the people standing right next to us. (drop the headphones and interact with each other once in awhile people!)

Strange happenings in public transportation (hopefully in ongoing feature of MVH):
So I am waiting for a shuttle train to leave the station and I notice a gentleman get on the train. He struck me as being an ordinary fella, except he had a greasy pompadour and a red face. He had a bag with him and was dressed like any other average joe (read: t-shirt, jeans, sneakers.) He was also holding a loose piece of 81/2 x 11 paper which he preceded to move up and down in front of his face as though he were playing peek-a-boo with a baby. The train and all of it's passengers appeared to be the baby. He looked down one end of the train, moved the paper up and down in front of his face and then turned and faced foward. A second later he looked down the other end of the train car, moved the paper up and down in front of his face and then turned and faced foward. He then took a moment, facing foward, and moved the paper up and down again in front of his face. The guy did this for the duration of the train ride. Quizzical looks and small giggles abounded but nothing phased this man's bizarre peek-a-booistic stroke of David Lynchian behavior.

Quote of the day:

"I didn't throw anything, my hands are full"
Said by: Milhouse to RJ
Where: some hotel room just outside of the twin cities and outside of our minds.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I am currently at work and should be working. But you know sometimes you just don't want to do anything at all. I sometimes feel myself staring at this computer screen and wondering where the heck the time went.

Some random thoughts for the day.

1. I really like processed Chedder Cheese.

2. Why has there been a delay in getting rid of Delay?

3. Bolton good for the UN? At this point...What's one more american bully?

4. What happend to Foulke last night? I'm bummed.

5. Can baseball ever be the same with all of this steroid business? I've got a baseball signed by Barry Bonds and I'm not as excited about it as I should be

6. Aren't we supposed to have cheaper gas now? Isn't that the reason we went to war in Iraq?

April 27, 2005

And so begins yet another posting by some random person in the world who thinks they have something to say. What can I say? In a nutshell you ask? Not very much. What I end up saying will have absolutely no meaning to anyone except perhaps one or two other people out there in the world (AB, ABC I'm talkin' to you).

I've spent the last few days in a library studying so I don't actually have much to comment about today...and with that I will leave you all.
