Sunday, August 12, 2007

So orientation begins tomorrow. I am excited and nervous and looking forward to starting this. Man I am just damn excited to be going to med school. Looking forward to complaining about it too to all of my loyal readers....I have to be the guy who thinks it is going to be great only to have his spirit crushed in a couple of weeks by the ridiculous amount of information that I am going to have to retain. I have to get up really early and don't expect to sleep much tonight...I'm going to be that kid in that commercial "I'm too excited to sleep"

I'll let you all know how the orientation goes sometime tomorrow night, but for now dear readers enjoy the rest of your sunday!


Thursday, August 09, 2007

counting down

And so here I am once again. I have a few more days of free time. I figure that I should be enjoying that time to the fullest if I can because my next totally "free" weekend will be sometime in November.

I am anxious about starting and have not been sleeping well. I guess there is a lot that is on my mind. Sometimes it is fear, but as I begin to post on the incoming class discussion board I know that others are in the same boat. We all have a huge journey in front of us. There are many of us who have been stressed to get all of the requirements completed. Having completed most of my stuff over the last couple months without having the acceptance yet has put me in a good position in terms of completion and I think that may have lead to the admissions committee seeing that I was truly interested in attending this school.

well anyway I'm rambling. Here's a shout out to A and C and J and soon to be: hope the renovations are going well!

cheers all

Friday, August 03, 2007

Well here we are a little over a week out from the beginning of the rest of my life. Searching for a place to live. We might end up renting, we might end up staying where we are. I don't know what the hell we are going to do. We will be acquiring a vehicle shortly so there are more and more expenses to add to our life and hey who cannot forget the extraordinary debt that will also be piling up over the next four years. We still have it good though.

I like the alphabet. The alphabet is fun.

Reading is good

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Futurama was a funny show.

My wife discovered recently that Whole Foods, the evil corporate natural/health/local grower grocery store that is slowly taking over the country, now sells my favorite kind of beer, Flying Dog. Much to the chagrin of the wife the fridge will now always have some kind of flying dog ale in it.....WOO HOO! Beer is good. My interest in the beer began when I first noticed the labels, which featured the art of Ralph Steadman, Hunter Thompson's old friend, and illustrator of the seminal "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" which managed to have a profound effect on me when I first read it about 14 years ago. On a whim I decided to give the beer a taste and decided to try the pale ale. In fact, excuse me I have to go and purchase more beer.


Good people drink good beer.
-Hunter S. Thompson