Wednesday, March 08, 2006


"The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States an Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too. We worship an awesome god in Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach little league in the Blue States and yes, we've got some gay friends in the Red States. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and there are patriots who supported the war in Iraq.
We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America. In the end, that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or do we participate in a politics of hope?"

--Barack Obama
Speaking to the Democratic National Convention
July 24, 2004

Yeah, I had ideals once too and I'm not even a politician. Here's to hoping that you are not a flash in the pan. I've got my fingers crossed for an Obama/Boxer ticket some day...just imagine...idealism and analytical data in chart form.
You walk down the streets of this city often enough and you start to notice things that you may not have noticed before. The way the light from the sun beams down Madison Avenue at lunchtime. The avenue stretchs up and down a good length of the island and from the way the light is coming down it looks as though there is a haze floating just above the top of people's heads. The cacaphony of traffic congestion and people talking either to their walking companions or their mobile companions about some kind of deal, where they want to eat, or what they are doing tonight is louder than the music playing in my ears. A million people must walk these streets everyday, like moths attracted to a big lightbulb at the center of town with their eyes towards the heavens as though they don't have tall buildings in their hometown. The ones who have been here the longest have that thousand yard stare that pierces you right through the middle. There is no time to look up or out for what is above or right in front of them. People squeeze through each other like they are being pressed into sausage just to be the first across the street once the light changes or the traffic clears. A bustling madness and yet there is a timed beauty, a serenade or dance that bubbles at the surface.

"I hope I remember my bosses birthday next week."
"Crap, I need to get cat food on the way home."
"...and that leaves me with only a few hundred for the next two weeks."
"I like popcorn"
"George Clooney"
"Look at that ass."
"What the hell happend last night?"
"If they don't want to sign the contract...."
"...and I was like oh my god...I can't believe this is happening"
"get the f**k outta my way"

Then there is the excessive **HONK**.....**HONK**......**********HONK***********
The single greatest act of futility. You hear them even when you are several floors of concrete, steel and glass above the city street. be continued...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Figured i needed a little change. and thanks to the wife's free time I now have a cool banner with a pic of little ole me on our last trip to Newport....didn't think the green was gonna work out anymore......maybe I will find some time to post something more interesting soon....

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

mmm...yes...shallow and pedantic

So I had my first exam of the semester today. Physics....I absolutely love the idea of knowing how shit works, I just have no idea how the hell this shit works. I may not have studied enough...or done enough problems and the sole blame lies squarely on my own shoulders, whatever the excuse, it is all my own fault. I know that I will do better in the future and it is only one test....I have a few more I can fail along the way. It seems I need to buckle down though and really do some strong physics studying....I feel like I am falling into what happened last semester with physics and I cannot afford to let that happen.

In other news I have an orgo exam tomorrow which I am rather indifferent towards...I mean c'mon LOST is on tonight and it's a freakin new episode.....going to be a late one for me tonight....alas.....

There is a peer who presumably is a post-bacc student who is taking the same MCAT prep course who seems to have an excuse for when she does not do well on a test. Some girl was sneezing next to me the entire time....stuff like that....f**k you man, cause now you are just fooling yourself....I keep thinking.."Gee Mrs. Walters, I am really sorry that your husband died under the knife....a nurse in the OR was breathing too loud and I just couldn't concentrate....yeah I want that to be my doctor.....

Other fun things I have heard recently....when asked whether or not I had taken the first orgo final (during the transit strike) or the second which was much later in January, I replied that I had taken the first, because I live in the wit "yeah so...I stayed at my dad's hotel" wit I thought so your dad owns a hotel and I'm supposed to be impressed by that or something???....which then lead to the daddy owns a hotel...why are you in a public (i.e. cheap, not any better or worse than the fine private institutions that are here in the city) college? I guess dad didn't want to build a library? Geez...I'm mean...

The most exciting news in my life is that I am still married to a marvelous lady, who takes care of me.....

other not so exciting news is that I have a new cell phone....I've never been that big on cell phones and find them to be very annoying. I am of the ilk that we all got along fine without them when they were not around...why do we need them now....someone will tell me that it is in direct response to the mass globalization of the world and the need for a form of communication that enables people in Japan to speak with people in the UK, while texting Angola about a shipment of fine rugs, and receiving a package from Walla Walla with the latest Microsoft vxpbvr-4 chip or something like that. This is what I think about when a cell phone goes off in class and it's a recorded song ring by Kayne West and _________ (insert collaborative rock/rap/jazz/tap artist here)_______. Again, I say do we need these things.....or when a person sitting next to me is texting some friend about how she can't talk right now because she is in class, but she will be sure to call her when class gets out and then they can go get something to eat and than after that they can call Chad and Parker and Phil and Gnonga and Blaine to see what each of them are doing tonight and this class is really boring I am so glad that it is almost over...yeah I know...totally..... ARGGHHH. I ask we really need these things. Remember when cell phones first came out and they were about as a big as a briefcase and it was this huge 80's status thing to be the guy with the big ass briefcase phone, than it became a status thing to get smaller and smaller phones (pointed out most brilliantly, my own personal opinion, by Derek Zoolander). Don't get me wrong I appreciate the convenience of being able to call my wife at anytime from anywhere (whether at school, or drunk at a bar) and without my cell phone in hand I would not have been able to drunk dial my inlaws on new years eve and tell them how grateful I am too them (yeah.....not sure if I should be mentioning this on air) oh well. Youd think I like to drink or something....oh how I miss you precious beer. Heh. wow tangent...anyway I got a new yeah there it is.....

I dont like punctuation marks and things of that nature

Ok, enough fooling around..have a good night all...I must go and learn all I can about aromatic compounds and electrophilic aromatic substitutions.....

"Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer."
-Dave Barry-