Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Don't screw with China

So the Chinese government has executed the head of it's State Food and Drug Administration for corruption that lead to contaminated toothpaste and for a time scared the living crap out of a lot of countries. Can you just imagine if we had that kind of government here? There wouldn't be many people left to manage our country because they would all be executed for corruption!

RIP Fred Thompson's campaign. The NY Times reported on Saturday that Thompson was hired as an advisor by a pro-choice lobbying firm back in the early 90's. Mr. Thompson is currently running on a pro-life stance and has no recollection of doing any work for said firm. Now granted he may still have a shot since I gather that not too many people read that article. In the words of one of my professors "You want to bury a story???...then put in the Saturday NY Times 'cause nobody reads the paper on Saturdays."

Anybody else notice that body spray commercials today are what beer commercials were in the 80's and 90's. "If you use this body spray, beautiful girls will have sex with you." Um....yeah, I guess I don't know anything about women. It reminds me of the following exchange: "A man definitely made that commercial!!", "Of course a man made it, it's a commercial not a delicious turkey dinner!!??" Unilever, the company that manufactures a certain brand of body spray reached a 52 week high this month on the exchange, so I guess the marketing strategy is working and yes people will buy anything.

Quote of the Day
"The ocean's no place for a squirrel"


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