Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Holy jeebus..........F=ma....(X1m1 +X2m2 + X3m3)/(m1+m2+m3)....H + OH = H2O and all sorts of other useless crap rolling around in my head

Oh I am.

MCAT is on the schedule Saturday, April 22nd. I am officially freaking out....I need to go to my isolated cave and find my power animal...."slide...hee hee hee."

So I have been listening to XM Radio Comedy.

They had a clip of a guy calling information...
"Thank you for calling directory assistance what listing please"
"Thank you please hold for the operator"
Yes sir, what listing?"
"Is that Manhttan?"
"Gotham City"
"Gotham City"
"Wha..where is that?"
"Alright than, is there a first name?"
"Is that a business or a residence?"
"Residence...he lives in a lair"
" don't see a listing for a first name Bruce last name Batman"
"I will find Batman"
"I will find Batman, with all of my hatred"
"Alright sir, well good luck with that"

Yeah I guess you had to be there, but it was pretty damn funny.

So the wife and I are in the midst of watching The West Wing on DVD and I have to tell you all that this was a damn good show....I remember seeing some episodes of the first and second season when it was on tv for the first time. I wish that there was someone that I could be excited about out there. If I could vote a tv character to be president and replecate his entire cabinet it would be this one. Yes...that is retarded. Not to give anything away but there was a bit about an assasination attempt and my wife said "I wonder if anyone has planned an attempt on the current leader?"...and later she realized who would be the leader if that happend....yeah...probably no attempts and believe it or not that is a really good thing. Geez I guess I shouldn't be talking about this cause I could get arrested or something....but I ain't said no names nor places....ha ha.

Blah blah blah, physics, blah blah blah, chemistry, blah blah blah, biology, blah blah blah, verbal reasoning, blah blah blah, writing samples, blah blah blah, organic chemistry. Oh my freekin god...what the hell am I doing...can I do I want to go to med school.....jeebus L. cristmas....argh, argh,'s only a test, it's only a test.....remember to breathe...just breathe....go to your happy place.....

During my prep course one of our instructors wanted to start his own company and the mascot or insignia would be Rammy the know....and all of the questions in the manual would be "what would Rammy do...?" Physics questions would be so much more fun that way... i.e. Rammy is thrusting with an initial velocity of x and at 2 minutes later with a reduced velocity of y. What is rammy's acceleration in the first minute. (Rammy always uses lubricant, so it is a friction can be ignored...")...ok so milhouse has officially lost it and gone for the X-rating.

"Principal Skinner what happend to your hand?"
"I believe it was some sort of boating accident....I have to go now"


Blogger Adam said...

Good luck, dude! You'll be fine. If you get nervous during the test, just remember one thing...GONNA FLY NOW! Are you F'ing kidding me.

7:19 AM  

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